Become a HemoHelper
Please consider one of the following ways to volunteer:
Donate! Your donation to our global outreach could save lives. We use the money to: fund research for cures, organize international humanitarian efforts, work toward educating people about bleed prevention and basic care, AND we offer small grants to hemophilia-affected families in desperate need. We just want to help people with bleeding disorders, that’s it… Click here to donate!
- Spread the word about us. If numbers 1 and 2 won’t work for you right now, we understand. But something everyone can do is share our posts, talk about our mission with your friends/family, follow our blog, download our podcast, wear our t-shirts, etc. You see, spreading awareness about bleeding disorders is ALSO a big part of our mission. The more people know, the more they’ll help. Then we ALL get closer to a cure!
- Are you taking a trip to a developing country in the near future? Let us organize a donation effort for you. We send bleeding disorder / bleed prevention educational materials, bleeding disorder medical identification cards, and medical identification tags in the language of the region you are visiting. Email, or you can contact us through the Contact page form.
- Send us your ideas. If you think of something hemophilia-related that you think we could help accomplish in the world, then feel at complete liberty to talk to us about it. Two heads are better than one. With thousands of heads, I’m sure we can come up with some brilliant efforts. Enlighten us, oh wise ones!